2023 REPORT: Our Military FI Resources Take RootĀ 

In 2023, we soft-launched our military FI resources and saw increased use of our FI 101 and PreK-12 materials.

Find out how we brought financial literacy to underserved communities for just $0.93 per person!

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Our Free Financial Literacy Resources

FI 101 @ the FI Academy

How many of us are mired in debt because we never got the chance to learn how to manage our finances? The FI101 course in the FI Academy will help.

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Military FI Instructor Kit

What would it look like if every military member had $1000 in the bank, no consumer debt, and spent less than they make every month?

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Pre K-12 Education

People in the FI movement often wish they had started earlier. We agree, and worked with educators to design a curriculum for kids PreK-12.

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Meal Planning Made Easy: Teaching Kids How to Start!

Food is a budget item we need to think about. Why?  Because it is one of the top 3 expenses in an average person's budget!

In the Meal Planning Made Easy course, you will learn how to help your child get a headstart on their financial and nutritional well-being.

The course includes a hands-on lesson tailored to 3rd-5th grader learners to complete at home. The best part? The course is completely FREE!

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More about our free resources

The Military FI Instructor kit is a 4-part series comprising instructor guides and presentations to help you teach what military service members need to know about personal finances.

The FI Academy helps you learn the basics, then guide you through to advanced FI topics.

It includes FI 101, Military FI and more.

The PreK-12 Program is designed to help teachers introduce kids and teenagers to sound financial principles and to build a foundation for Financial Independence.

Our mission is to bring financial literacy to underserved communities.

Since 2019, our focus is on these three communities:

  • School-going children from pre-kindergarten through high school where financial literacy is not readily accessible. We want to position them for their best possible lives, before poor financial habits take hold.
  • Active duty servicemen and servicewomen who may not be aware of the many financial benefits and programs that are already available to them.
  • Working adults who never got the chance to learn how to manage their finances and become financially secure. Our goal is to help them eliminate debt, and start building towards financial independence.


Education can fuel your progress towards FI

Get that education through a syllabus on a platform optimized for learning


Build your talent stack. Rock your side hustle. Shred your expenses.

Master your own path to FI on your terms. We can help.


There is a whole world out there needing this message. They just don't know it yet.

Help us spark FI in others.

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